The University of Texas at Dallas
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Faculty and Staff

The Graduation Help Desk is dedicated to supporting the critical role of faculty and staff in the student success framework at UT Dallas. Faculty and staff are encouraged to refer vulnerable students to the Graduation Help Desk. This includes, but is not limited to, students who are experiencing challenges that impact their ability to attend class and learn and retain content, students experiencing a financial concern, mental health struggle, or basic needs insecurity, students who need policy guidance, and students who may benefit from wraparound support services for complex issues.  

We offer comprehensive resources to equip students with the tools and strategies necessary to address a wide range of academic challenges and navigate difficult situations. We are here to support you and students with empathy and professionalism. By fostering a collaborative and supportive environment, we strive to contribute to a student-ready culture capable of providing proactive and reactive support to students.  

Early Alert

If you have concerns about a student being a potential harm to themselves or others, it is crucial to immediately submit a Behavior Assessment and Intervention Team (BAIT) early alert. For all other concerns related to a student’s wellbeing, behavior, or academic performance, you can submit a Graduation Help Desk early alert to ensure the appropriate support and resources are provided to address the situation effectively.  

This video describes how faculty can use the Early Alert function in the course roster section of the Orion Faculty Center. Students may be referred to the Dean of Students or the Graduation Help Desk.

Request a Presentation 

The Graduation Help Desk is available to present at faculty and staff meetings, or to students in class or training. The Graduation Help Desk will conduct an informative presentation designed to give attendees an overview of our services as well as information relevant to your audience. 

Connect & Refer 

In mid-Spring 2024, we will launch new ways to refer a student to the Graduation Help Desk in Orion. For now, please email us. This will open what we call a “ticket,” which allows us to begin communicating with you, provide updates and engage other campus departments in addressing your inquiry. We strive to respond to all inquiries within five business days.