The University of Texas at Dallas
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Names can be misleading. While we do not oversee any functions related to graduation and commencement, we do serve as the one-stop shop that all undergraduates can use to get to graduation.

How to Connect 

In mid-Spring 2024, we will launch new ways to connect with the Graduation Help Desk in Orion. For now, please email us. This will open what we call a “ticket,” which allows us to begin communicating with you, provide updates and engage other campus departments in supporting you as needed. We strive to respond to all inquiries within five business days.  

“Thank you so much for your concern; it really means a lot to me. I didn’t know I would receive this kind of overwhelming support; I really do wish I had chosen to ask sooner.” 

UT Dallas Student

What We Do

We can support you in a variety of ways. The following depict our most common forms of support, but do not hesitate to email if you are unsure where to go for what you are experiencing. You are not alone.  

Provide Support & Accountability 

If you are experiencing a challenge or several issues that impact your academic performance, mental or physical health, and/or sense of mattering on campus, connect with us. We have contacts in every department who we can engage in supporting you, and we can develop an action plan that provides clear next steps and, in most cases, directly connects you to the appropriate campus resources. For example, if you are experiencing a financial challenge, we can introduce you to your Financial Aid Counselor, explore the Student Emergency Fund and connect you to Comet Cents. Additionally, we can provide regular check-ins to ensure that you make progress.  

Cultivate Belonging 

We can help you identify ways to find a sense of belonging at UT Dallas. It can be overwhelming to connect with peers in class or identify the social events and clubs that align with your diverse interests and background. We can share resources to simplify that process and make personalized recommendations. Additionally, we can connect you with mentorship programs and peer support networks that provide a supportive environment to connect with others.  

Promote Personal Wellbeing 

We provide a safe and supportive space for students to discuss challenges and seek guidance. We strive to increase awareness about available resources, such as counseling services to support your mental health and the University’s health and wellness programs. In addition, if you are experiencing a basic needs insecurity related to food, housing, or technology, we will explore resources with you. This may include referrals to on- and off-campus resources. 

Offer Policy Guidance 

We offer clear and accessible channels of communication, where students can seek guidance and clarification on UT Dallas conduct and academic policies. This includes providing you advice about how to navigate complex procedures. Also, we engage with various departments and student organizations to help gather feedback and insights to identify areas where policy improvements or updates may be needed. 

Facilitate Academic Support 

Whether it is approaching a course instructor about an issue (such as absences, accommodations, etc.), connecting with advising, or getting support for a hard class subject, we can support you. We work with units like the Student Success Center to connect students like you with services such as academic success coaching. Furthermore, we engage with advising resources across the university to stay informed and equipped to support students with navigating course registration, dropping and withdrawing, or navigating degree requirements. 

Student Testimonial

“Once I was getting close to completing these courses (and passing both), I reached out to the Graduation Help Desk … I had the pleasure of working with Chris McAlpine … He provided me via phone AND email with the step-by-step process I needed to do to apply to graduate. This involved reapplication, changing the application term, submitting my transcript, and filing an appeal through JSOM. His detailed email included all the links I needed to complete the tasks. He and I continued to email back and forth over the next few weeks, and he was able to expedite my application, as the catalog was close to expiring for the coursework I completed.

Yesterday, I received my readmission acceptance. Being readmitted is a huge relief. I’m now that much closer to getting that diploma in my hands. While I may have been able to navigate this on my own, the Graduation Help Desk was critical to my success … Getting my degree was no sprint for me, but the Graduation Help Desk assisted me greatly in getting across this marathon finish line.”

UT Dallas Student